“I am gay but I love God” — Man at the brink of ending it all cries for help

A young man cries out about the state of his sexuality as gay while emphasizing his unwavering devotion to religion and God.

A Twitter user identified as Sir Dickson with username @Wizarab10 share an anonymous message he received from an individual who is in a dilemma.

According to the man in question, he struggles with the thought of being religious at the same time being attracted to fellow men.

While insinuating how being gay does not align with the words of God, he emphasized the mental struggle that is slowly driving him to be suicidal.

In his words, “Is it bad to be gay? I was born gay, I mean i like guys and I’ve never had any feeling for any girl, but at the same time, I really love God. I’m confused cos I’ve tried everything, fasting, prayer, deliverance but I’m still gay. I am tired of myself and I really wanna end it all.”

"I am gay but I love God" — Man at the brink of ending it all cries out
Gay man shares his dilemma about his sexuality and love for God. Credit: @Wizarab10 / Twitter.

Reactions trailing suicidal gay man and his love for God

kyvasempire said: “Use salt and water to have your bath for one week. Fast and pray. That spirit will leave immediately.”

marygrace_100 penned: “Suicide is not the answer, nobody was born a theif,nobody was born a prostitute, nobody a politician, nobody was born a doctor, we were all born human before we get interested in things we do now, if u don’t feed ur interest, its dies. Don’t feed the gay spirit and watch it will die.”

PrimeRides_ng opined: “A night with a lady with cracked iPhone 6s Plus will change him ASAP.”

Cleopatran_ said: “Were you abused by a man while growing up and you are rationalizing the trauma by intellectualizing or employing any defense mechanism that helps you cope or submerge the pain?”

saintCubana penned: “People are born Gay, to those who say God does not make a “mistake”, how about people born with both male and female sex organs? And now have to decide which of the organs they want to keep later as adult, weren’t they born that way? Same way people are born with gay attraction.”