Following increased scrutiny, PGMOL advertises recruitment for new VAR referees

The Professional Game Match Officials Limited (PGMOL) advertises for Video Assistant Referees (VARs), in response to increased scrutiny.

The move comes as the VAR system faces serious criticism and demands for improvement after series of errors in Premier League games recently.

The job advertisement specifically targets individuals with little or no experience, with emphasis on candidates who can “provide clear communication under pressure” and are “capable of self-reflection on performance.”

The ad copy also points the importance of identifying when VAR intervention is necessary during matches, focusing abilities, and strong communication skills.

Following increased scrutiny, PGMOL advertises recruitment for new VAR referees
On-field referee watching VAR call – Getty image

The “VAR Specialists” are needed for the job, to cover both men’s and women’s football.

PGMOL said the demand is meant to address concerns for reform raised by clubs such as Arsenal and Liverpool, who have voiced dissatisfaction with VAR decisions this season.

Recall Arsenal’s Mikel Arteta labeled VAR calls as “disgraceful” in their 1-0 loss to Newcastle recently.

Liverpool’s Jurgen Klopp on the other hand, demanded a replay due to a wrongly disallowed goal in their game against Tottenham earlier last month. A game they later lost 2-1.

PGMOL boss Howard Webb has issued apologies for these errors, acknowledging the need for improvement.

Furthermore, criticism of VAR also extends to delays, with a seven-minute stoppage during Chelsea’s recent match at Tottenham raising more discontent.