Bobrisky Presents Cash Reward To Fans Who Tattooed His Name (Video)

Nigerian crossdresser, Okuneye Idris Olanrewaju, popularly known as Bobrisky has exhibited another kind gesture to some fans that recently tattooed his image and name on their body.


The trio rewarded comprised of a male and two females, who received cash prizes from the male barbie. In the video, Bobrisky could be seen giving them some cash in appreciation of the fan love they showed him.

Bobrisky Reward Fans Who Tattooed His Name And Image On Their Body

Bobrisky also asserted that he will be having dinner with them on Saturday, in an undisclosed location.

Watch the video of Bobrisky rewarding the trio:

No doubt, the cross-dresser is doing well in appreciating his fans.

In an earlier report, Bobrisky issued out a preparation alert to fans he promised a trip to Dubai.