“Aside padding budgets, what else do Nigerian senators do” – Basketmouth queries

Nigerian comedian and actor, Bright Okpocha, better known as Basketmouth is curious know about the duties and accomplishments of senators in Nigeria aside padding budgets.

This is coming after the senator representing Bauchi Central Senatorial District, Abdul Ningi was suspended over alleged 2024 budget padding.


In reactions to this, the comedian inquired about what senators actually do aside padding budgets.

He also asked about actions these senators have taken in the last fifty years that had benefited the typical Nigerian.

His words: “I’ve got a question… Aside padding budgets, what else do our senators do? Like…what have they done in the past 50yrs that favored the average Nigerian?”

Check out netizens responses…

ejbigbrova noted: “When you have followers, you got influence, when you got influence you have a voice. It’s gratifying when Celebs speak up against social ills . Thanks my dear brother Basketmouth. Blessings!🙏🏼”

funkya1803 said: “Absolutely nothing. They only enrich their pockets, and when they are no longer on the seat, they die untimely death 😢.”

nino_couture replied: “Sharing money, buying fleets of cars and owning homes abroad + making sure their kids are doing perfectly ok”


Basketmout queries the duties of Nigerian senators