Yul Edochie’s first wife returns to social media; reveals her stance on polygamy

May Edochie, first wife of Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie, has made her position on polygamy known in a comeback post on social media.

May, who made a return to social media following her silence after her husband married a second wife also reacted to the trending video on Tuesday where she was dancing alongside Yul.

Noting that the trending video shared by her husband is an old, the mother-of-four stated that her family and her faith do not support polygamy, though it works for some people.

She also thanked her fans for sticking by her during her “trying period”.

Sharing a picture of herself, she said, “I sincerely want to appreciate everyone for the tremendous love, prayers and support from all over the world.

“It has really been overwhelming. You have all been an incredible pillar of strength during this trying period.”

“My phones are buzzing once again due to the OLD video trending online today. My family and faith ABSOLUTELY do NOT practice polygamy, although it works for some people.

“God has blessed me with a beautiful and loving family. I need you all to continue to keep me and my family in your prayers.”