We demolished government roundabout because it had Christian cross – SSG

Secretary to Kano State Government (SSG), Dr. Baffa Bichi, has disclosed that the symbolic Tumbin Giwa roundabout at the state government house was demolished because it had a Christian cross.

Bichi offered the new explanation days after the state government revealed that the roundabout which serves as a symbol of the state’s Golden Jubilee was demolished in the interest of the public.

We demolished government roundabout because it had Christian cross - SSG
Kano SSG, Dr. Baffa Bichi. Source: Web

The Kano SSG who sat for a radio interview, revealed that the roundabout was demolished because it had a Christian cross which is against the teachings of Islam.

Bichi, a former senatorial candidate also said that the Hotoro interchange flyover which has two big crosses might also be demolished.

He said;

“If you take a drone to take the picture from the top, you will see a cross. In Kano, you cannot do that. Not only that it is in Kano, but in the Government House roundabout. This is against our norms and values and also against the teachings of Islam.

“Another reason is that the roundabout is blocking people from seeing others from different directions. That is causing holdup and accidents along Government House road. This is not a wise decision.

We demolished government roundabout because it had Christian cross - SSG
Tumbin Giwa roundabout in Kano. Source: web

“Secondly, the Hotoro interchange flyover is also carrying a big cross. We have to look at that too. This means if you are viewing Kano from the top using a drone, you will see two big crosses. That of the Government House and the flyover. We will not let that be.”

Bichi also said they are carrying out massive demolition to return the state to its original master plan. He added;

“How can you build shops inside mosques and residential area? This is wrong and that is what we are trying to address. That is why we ask everyone from the places that are wrongly built to remove their belongings. We gave notice severally, even before swearing in.” 

When asked if they will compensate those whose properties were demolished, Bichi asked them to  claim their money from people that defrauded them.