“This was our last conversation” – Lady shares heartbreaking chat with boyfriend as relationship crashes

A lady identified as @ohyessratii on Twitter has shared the heartbreaking conversation that she had with her partner before their relationship ended.

In the conversation, she expressed her feelings about her partner’s lack of communication and consideration, and how it was hurting her.

She had reached out to her ex partner one hour before her exams, and @ohyessratii spent her reading time crying.

She shared her experience on Twitter, hoping to raise awareness about the importance of communication in relationships.

The WhatsApp conversation began with @ohyessratii expressing her frustration about her partner’s plans for the day that didn’t include her.

She felt like her partner didn’t consider how she might feel before making plans, and that he wasn’t as keen to see her as she was to see him.

The reply she received was not encouraging, and it left her feeling even more hurt and alone. Her partner dismissed her concerns and said that he would read her message in a taxi.

Netizens have rallied around Ohhyessratii, offering words of encouragement and support in the comments section.

“This was our last conversation. This was an hour before my exam. I spent reading time crying in my arms😭😭”, she wrote.

@Dami reacted: “Personally prefer doing this. Yes you might get an “ok” or no response but atleast you’re not living life afterwards with guilt, doubt of things might have actually work out if you send the text!”

@maks _paula reacted: “Never feel like a clown for expressing how you feel. If you had just said nothing and let the relationship die on its own, you would have more regrets. You’d regret not communicating and think “if I had spoken up maybe things would have worked out. You did all you could.”

@G Samito reacted: “Dammit. So sorry.
Partners should understand that making plan for yourself alone is not the way to go in relationships. Once you’re in a relationship, it’s you and your partner.”

See the post below: