“Stop looking at other people’s success to measure your own” – Actress, Toyin Abraham

Nigerian film actress, filmmaker, and producer, Toyin Abraham took to her social media account to advise her followers to stop looking at other people’s success as a medium to measure their own.

Toyin Abraham success measure

On her Instagram page, she had encouraged her followers to strive for their today to be better than their yesterday and kill all manner of comparison as it halts progress.

Here’s what she wrote;

Listen my darling, a lot of people are better than you and me, and you and I are also better than some other people. So, stop looking at other people’s success to measure your own. If your today is better than your yesterday, you’re on the right path and even it feels like your yesterday is better than today, don’t give up! restrategize it necessary, work hard, work smart, do more and keep praying.”

Toyin Abraham success measure progress is lost in comparison. So, don’t stop pushing. You’re absolutely doing well.”