“Security agents who invaded my houses looted my wife’s personal belongings” – Matawalle

Former Governor of Zamfara State, Bello Matawalle has explained that majority of the vehicles taken away by the security agencies from his two houses in Gusau and Maradun were procured by him before he became a governor.

Matawalle who was reacting to the Friday invasion of his two private houses by security agents said he has been into the car business for a long time and bought most of the cars from America.

Security agents who invaded my houses looted my wife's personal belongings – Matawalle
Former Governor of Zamfara State, Bello Matawalle

He told BBC Hausa service in an interview on Saturday that the security agents who invaded his houses looted some personal belongings of his wives and children, including clothing materials and matrimonial facilities he secured for the scheduled wedding of his daughters.

Matawalle said, “The security agents should display the 40 vehicles for public judgment. Anybody who knows Bello Matawalle will believe that I have been in the car business ever since I became the governor of Zamfara State.

“I have been in the car business for a long period of time and most of the vehicles the security personnel impounded from my two houses are those that I bought from America long before I became a governor.

“The vehicles they impounded at Maradun were those donated to me by well-wishers and were all branded with my images and that of Bola Ahmed Tinubu. But surprisingly, they said that the vehicles belong to the state government.”

“I have never seen the worst scenario like what happened in my residences last Friday.”

The former governor further said he was in Abuja and nobody called to notify him that his attention was needed in relation to the issue. “But all I heard was that the security agents invaded my private residences as if there is no law and order in Nigeria,” he lamented.