Rita Edochie shares photos of Prophet Odumeje’s wife, reveals the source of his power

Nollywood actress, Rita Edochie, recently shared photos of the controversial man of God, Prophet Chukwuemeka Odumeje and his beautiful wife, Uju Ohanaemere.

The actress who accompanied the photos with a brief background on Uju, refuted claims going round the internet that the wife was the daughter of late Eddy Nawgu, who was a popular self-acclaimed prophet and an occult practitioner.

Due to his rather infamous reputation and Prophet Odumeje‘s suspicious rise to stardom despite his unorthodox ways of preaching, many people believe he got spiritual help from his wife whom they believe is Nawgu‘s daughter.

Well, Edochie in her caption stated in clear terms that Odumeje‘s strength comes from God and not his wife who is in fact not the daughter of Nawgu.

According to the actress:

“Odumeje’s strength is from God Almighty. Uju was born in the family of Rufus M. Ogbatuo in OBinikpa village, Umuobom town in Ideato South L.G.A of IMO state.

Uju Ohanaemere or any member of her family is not related to Eddy Nawgu or Eddy Nawgu’s wife in any manner whatsoever. Please, any information to the contrary is deliberately concocted by mischief makers for selfish and mysterious purposes. Any such information should be disregarded.”