Reno Omokri advises men to dump financially irresponsible girlfriends

Reno Omokri advises men to dump financially irresponsible girlfriends

Former presidential spokesman and renowned author, Reno Omokri has advised men to dump financially irresponsible girlfriends.

The Amazon Best Selling author gave this advice in a recent post he shared on Twitter today, May 28.

According to him, a man is financially responsible for his wife and not his girlfriend.

Reno Omokri advises men to dump financially irresponsible girlfriends

He therefore called on boyfriends to dump girlfriends who make them financially responsible for their needs.

“God didn’t put you on Earth to be Santa Claus” Reno warned.

Taking to the micro blogging platform, Mr. Reno Omokri wrote; “You don’t have to give a girlfriend money to be loving. A husband is financially responsible for his wife. A boyfriend is not financially responsible for his girlfriend. Dump such girls! God didn’t put you on Earth to be Santa Clause.”