Regina Daniels and Ned Nwoko name their son ‘Munir Neji Ned Nwoko’ (Photos)

Nollywood actress, Regina Daniels and her husband, billionaire politician husband Ned Nwoko, have named their son today, July 10th

Regina Daniels son's name

The couple who welcomed their bundle of joy two weeks ago, named him Munir Neji Ned Nwoko.

Nollywood was well represented at the naming ceremony with stars like Segun Arinze, Francis Duru, Fred Amata, Belinda Effah and more in attendance.

Regina’s mother, Rita Daniels, her brothers and sisters were also in attendance.

See more photos from the event below…

Regina and Ned got married in a traditional marriage ceremony in May 2019. Although Ned has other children with his other wives, but this is Regina’s first child.