Pregnant wife loses baby after contacting COVID-19 from husband who wouldn’t stop partying

A married lady identified as Molly has expressed her pain and anguish after losing her unborn child to COVID-19, due to her husband’s carelessness.

Narrating her story via Twitter, the aggrieved wife who is based in Abuja, said she has always been observing the precautionary measures laid out by the NCDC, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

She recounted how she even went the extra mile to wipe door knobs and groceries in order to prevent the pandemic from getting close to her family.

However, when the lockdown was eased by FG, her husband began visiting friends and partying around, ignoring her advice to stay home and safe.

Unfortunately, he attended a particular house party where he contacted the virus, brought it home and infected her with it, causing the death of her unborn child.

Read her story below;