Our agents signed election results in Badagry LGA at gunpoint – Labour Party official alleges

Labour party has claimed that one of its agents was forced to sign an elections results sheet at gunpoint in Lagos on Saturday, February, 26th.

There have been chaos in some part of Nigeria over the election that took place yesterday, February 25th. A lot of people seem to have pledged their vote for the presidential candidate Peter Obi. However, there have been records of some discrepancies in the provisional results from some polling units.

In a television live press conference, the Labour Party disclosed that a female party agent at the Lagos state collated centre disclosed that the party polled 28,951 votes but refuted it saying the actual votes were 29,222.

An official of the Labour Party disclosed that her complaint was subject to debate because her party’s agent signed the result sheet under duress and at gunpoint.

The agent reported to me he had to sign at gunpoint. That’s exactly what happened”.