Olakunle Churchill finally reacts to rumour of being Tboss’ baby daddy

Tonto Dikeh’s estranged husband, Mr. Olakunle Churchill has finally reacted to claims of being the father of Tboss’ daughter.

Churchill said that he is not the father of Tboss’ baby. He made this known in an Instagram exchange with actor Uche Maduagwu.

Uche Maduagwu wrote;

“@olakunlechurchill have been getting questions from fans asking if you are allegedly the biological father of Tboss’ baby, the BBNaija lady?”

Responding to the comment, Churchill wrote;

“I have seen people tag me severally to post like this, I am not the father of TBoss baby, people should just leave that woman alone, she is a great new mum of a beautiful baby, she is happy and doing great, haters should let her be”