“My soulmate” – MC Oluomo peppers other wives, showers praises on third wife, Aisha

Chairman of Lagos State Parks and Garages, Musiliu Akisanya popularly known as MC Oluomo, has penned down a sweet tribute to his third wife, Aisha Akinsanya.

He showered encomium on the lady on the occasion of her birthday today, 3rd of March, 2023.

He described her as his soulmate and the most fantastic human being on earth. He also praised her for loving him unconditionally and always giving him a listening ear.

In his words:

“My soulmate Aisha Akinsanya, today is your birthday and marks another year that the most fantastic human being has graced the earth.

“Thank you for loving me unconditionally, and always being there for me. Without fail, you always have a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, and a hand for me to hold.

“Wishing you the very best birthday, my beautiful with my biggest kisses and tightest hugs. Love you to the end of the earth and back”.

See the post below: