Man narrates how his girlfriend’s ex boyfriend used her for rituals

A heartbroken man has cried out on social media after finding out that his girlfriend cheated on him with her ex boyfriend who used her for rituals.

Sharing the story to RelationshipTalks, he wrote;

“I have been dating my girl for more than a year now. We have been committed but every week, i began to discover new stuffs mostly on the ground that she has slept with all categories of people in the past including cripple, pastor, someone she’s older than, and even her uncle, her former boss too and her boss’s brother.

Even with all these revelation i was still willing to stay with her. There are secret stuffs that i can’t share about her.

Her ex boyfriend has been a bone in the neck since the start of this relationship. He didn’t want to let go and she says she doesn’t even want to hear his name at all.

But the thing is she recently travelled and was calling me. One day, she called me that she has something to say, she said she would come to town to tell and because of the intrigue i was able to get her to talk on the phone.

She said she has slept with the ex-boyfriend since we started the relationship.

Now the main thing is, a pastor once told me that my gf’s glory was used for rituals which we suspected the dude being that they dated for over 9 years plus and she was certain it was the guy due to some factors which i can’t say.

Things hasn’t been easy whenever she is around me mostly when she spends time in my house. Things will just go bad and terrible. She said she did it because she was looking for 20k. I love her and I just don’t know what to do”.