Lady divorces her husband over his refusal to pay 100% of their bills, says they must split it

A young lady has shared the story of her colleague who divorced her husband because he refused to take full responsibility for their bills.

According to her colleague, her husband wanted the bills split at a 70/30 rate, but she refused, which led to their divorce.

She wrote:

“This lady at work told me she left her first husband because he didn’t pay 100% of the bills. He wanted at 70/30 split. Now she’s working 2 jobs. I guess she won’t settle for less.”

Reacting to the story, @loistruly said:
“Before you mock her, did she have a full time job and was also the only one doing all the domestic work, and yet expected to pay 30% of bills? Was the man basically an absentee father who wanted to eat his cake and have it on both fronts? The only way this makes sense to me”

@midtown_mel wrote:
“My wife and I done 50/50 for the first 3/4 years of us being together. Then time progressed, I’ve made more money in my career. It went from 60/40, 80/20. Now i pay 100% of all household expenses. Sometimes women have to play the long game. Success isn’t overnight”

See the post below: