“Jesus did not destroy a single shrine” – Daddy Freeze frowns at demolition of church of Satan in Abia

Popular Nigerian broadcaster, Ifedayo Olarinde aka Daddy Freeze has frowned at the demolition of a shrine and the arrest of its founder in Abia state.

Daddy Freeze church of Satan

The church, Assemblies of light Bearer Greater Church of Lucifer, popularly known as Church of Satan in Ohafia, which was founded by Ifekwe Udo, was destroyed by the youths of community.

Daddy Freeze has taken to his Instagram to express his disappointment on the act, saying they should have showed him love, preached to him and showed him the light and true love of God.

He went further to state that Jesus Christ did not destroy a single shrine in his life, instead he went into the church with a cane to flog the thieves.

Read as he posted below…

I think it is totally wrong to worship Satan. Demolish his building? Is this really democracy? When Gov. Wike demolished a man’s property for violating the lockdown were you not all shouting?

I heard he was allegedly arrested for child trafficking, violating lockdown and other crimes, as well as terrorizing the community.
Good, if this is true. I appreciate the police in this regard.

But by the way, many of you in Churches with your white Jesus and die by fire wickedness are actually worshiping Satan, who has demolished your churches??

Preach to him, show him the light and true love of Christ!
Bringing down his church would only attract public sympathy to him.

Christ did not destroy a single shrine in his life, instead he went into the church with a cane to flog the thieves.

You want to drive Satan out? Do what Christ did, go into the church with a cane, the scriptures say judgement must begin in the church.
After you have cleansed the church of the witchcraft, idolatry, mammon worship and thievery, only then can you proceed to the shrines.

And don’t forget, Satan disguises as an angel of light, not this buffoonery ???


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I think it is totally wrong to worship Satan. Demolish his building? Is this really democracy? When Gov. Wike demolished a man’s property for violating the lockdown were you not all shouting? – I heard he was allegedly arrested for child trafficking, violating lockdown and other crimes, as well as terrorizing the community. Good, if this is true. I appreciate the police in this regard. – But by the way, many of you in Churches with your white Jesus and die by fire wickedness are actually worshiping Satan, who has demolished your churches?? – Preach to him, show him the light and true love of Christ! Bringing down his church would only attract public sympathy to him. – Christ did not destroy a single shrine in his life, instead he went into the church with a cane to flog the thieves. – You want to drive Satan out? Do what Christ did, go into the church with a cane, the scriptures say judgement must begin in the church. After you have cleansed the church of the witchcraft, idolatry, mammon worship and thievery, only then can you proceed to the shrines. – And don’t forget, Satan disguises as an angel of light, not this buffoonery ??? – ◄ 1 Peter 4:17 ► New Living Translation For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God’s household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God’s Good News? – ◄ John 2:15 ► New Living Translation Yahushua made a whip from some ropes and chased them all out of the Temple. He drove out the sheep and cattle, scattered the money changers’ coins over the floor, and turned over their tables. – ◄ Luke 19:46 ► New Living Translation He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves.” – ◄ 2 Corinthians 11:14 ► New Living Translation But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. – ~FRZ

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