Ikoyi-Building Collapse: “More value needs to be placed on lives in Nigeria” — Stephanie Coker opines

TV host and media personality, Stephanie Coker has reacted to the loss of lives at the recently collapsed Ikoyi building in Lagos.

Ikoyi building Collapse Stephanie Coker reacts lives

Recall that the high-end Ikoyi storey building collapsed days ago, entrapping many people underneath the massive rubble, and rescue efforts have been ongoing ever since.

However, while reacting to the heartbreaking development, Stephanie Coker has said that lives need to be more fully protected across Nigeria, than before.

Site of Collapsed Ikoyi building

According to her, she could sleep while thinking about the people still trapped under the rubble of the collapsed Ikoyi building.

Taking to her Instagram Stories hours ago, she wrote;

“We are living haphazardly in Nigeria and subjected to so much emotional trauma.

We have to pray about everything because bare minimum standards are nonexistent in most sectors in Nigeria. Citizens have become desensitized to some of the most horrific accidents. It’s not normal for a trailer to fall on a car, it is not normal for a building to just collapse…

I couldn’t even sleep last night just thinking about the human beings trapped in Ikoyi. There needs to be more value placed on ALL human life in Nigeria.”

Refer to her post below: