“If he gets a haircut after washing his car, he’s going out to cheat” – Boxer, Anthony Joshua

British professional boxer, Anthony Joshua is accused of breaking the ‘bro code’ after hinting women on how to know when their man is about to cheat.

anthony joshua

The heavyweight boxing champion made this known in a Snapchat post where he claimed that any man who suddenly decides to get a clean shave, followed by a sparkling cleaned car on the same day, should be suspected of attempting to cheat

In Anthony Joshua’s words, “If your boyfriend gets a hair cut and his car cleaned the same day!!! He’s about to cheat.”

"If he gets a haircut after washing his car, he's going out to cheat" - Boxer, Anthony Joshua

This was however followed by mixed reactions as some fans agreed to the fact while others accused him of exposing the top-secret.

See reactions below …