How my uncle’s late wife kept tormenting the side chick he married – Man recounts

A man recounts how his late uncle’s late wife has been tormenting the side chick he got married to after her death.

The man identified on Twitter as Prosper revealed that since his uncle married his side chick, she has been having some mysterious happenings in the bed.

"How my uncle's late wife kept tormenting the side chick he married" – Man recounts
Troubled woman. Photo Source: iStock/ Google.

According to the tweep, the wife keeps mysteriously falling off the bed and when they met with a traditionalist, he explained that the spirit of the ex-wife isn’t happy with her.

The tweep wrote:

“My uncle married his side chick years ago, since his wife died. Since they have been married the new wife keeps on falling off their bed.

When the new wife brought this topic up, she was asked if they changed the bed ever since the deceased wife had died and she said no.

They went to traditional healer just recently and they were told that the deceased wife was upset at the husband for bringing new people on their bed and has been the on pushing the wife of the bed.”

See the post below: