Guinness World Records recognizes Hilda Baci’s 100 hours cooking marathon

Guinness World Records (GWR) has acknowledged the 100 hour cooking marathon of Hilda Baci that ended yesterday evening.

The global authority on record-breaking achievements has finally recognized the effort of Hilda Baci to break the longest cooking marathon.


In the late hours of yesterday, Hilda Baci hit the set target of cooking non-stop for 96 hours. However, after the 96th hour, the determined young lady added an extra 4 hour to hit a 100 hour cooking marathon.

Her 100 hour cooking marathon which broke the record of the India Chef who cooked for 87 hours 45 minutes has been recognized by Guinness World Records who have shared on their story the historic cooking stint of Hilda Baci.

In a statement which was published on the official website of Guinness World Records on Tuesday read, “She’s hoping to snap up the record title for the longest cooking marathon (individual) which currently belongs to Lata Tondon (India) with a time of 87 hr 45 min”.
“Hilda began cooking on Thursday and continued through to Monday, reportedly whipping up 55 recipes and more than 100 meals in a whopping 100-hour stint.

Officials on our records team look forward to reviewing the evidence and hope to be able to verify Hilda’s efforts as a new record very soon,” it also read.

A spokesperson of the British reference platform said: “we are looking forward to receiving the evidence for its Records Management Team to review before we can confirm the record is official”.

See screenshot below.