Governor Ayade orders house-to-house search for looted items in Cross River State

Cross River State governor, Senator Ben Ayade has ordered security agencies in the state to search houses to recover looted items and take legitimate action to halt violence.

Ben Ayade looting
The Guardian reports that between Friday and Saturday last week, hoodlums and looters broke into over 35 government and private properties, looted several items and set some buildings ablaze.

A curfew was announced on Friday but still properties were looted and burned down.

However, Ayade in a statement yesterday by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr Christian Ita, asked security agencies in the State to take legitimate actions to halt the arson and carnage witnessed in some parts of Calabar.

The governor also wants the security agents to carry out a house to house search for looted property and arrest everyone involved in the looting of both public and private property in the state” .

The Governor called on Cross Riverians to rise up and defend their land from criminal elements bent on destroying the image of the State. He added that the dusk to dusk curfew was still in place but this time around security personnel won’t tolerate non-compliance.