#BBNaija: “I want to sleep with all the girls in the house, except Tega” – Sammie says (Video)

BBNaija housemate, Sammie has revealed his intention of sleeping with all the ladies in the BBNaija house, with Tega as an exception.

Sammie Sleep Girl Tega Sammie said this during a chit chat session with Queen, where he affirmed that he would like to sleep with her when they are out of the house.

Speaking further, he declared his intention of having carnal knowledge of all the girls before exiting the house.

Unfortunately, Sammie happens to be among the six housemates who are up for possible eviction today, 29th August, and his fate can only be decided by the votes of fans and viewers.

Sammie Sleep Girl Tega

His plans may be cut short if he gets evicted today, but if he doesn’t, then there is a glimpse of hope for him.

Watch the video below:
