“All I do is smoke, post bum & make good music, why won’t u like me?” – Naira Marley

Self-acclaimed Marlian president, Naira Marley brags about how lovable he is as he lists the irresistible features of his personality.

naira marley

Naira Marley who recently called Nigerians hypocrites after his song ‘Coming’ was badmouthed, which later became the most streamed song on Apple Music and some other platforms.

In a recent declaration via Twitter, Naira Marley affirmed that all he does with his life is to share explicit contents, smoke weed and make controversial songs, which makes him irresistible and loved by Nigerians.

In his words;

“All I do is smoke loud,post big bum and make bangers. Why won’t u like me?”

"All I do is smoke & post big bum, why won’t u like me?" - Naira Marley

See some reactions that followed …