Actress Lala Akindoju blasts Actors Guild of Nigeria for visiting Regina Daniels and Ned Nwoko

Nollywood actress, Lala Akindoju has slammed the Actors Guild of Nigeria for visiting her colleague, billionaire Ned Nwoko’s wife, Regina Daniels, who recently gave birth to her first child.

Lala Akindoju blasts Actors Guild of Nigeria

The visit was led by the guild’s President, Emeka Rollas, who presented gifts to the new mum. Lala took to Twitter to condemn the act, saying it’s shameful because they should use the same energy to do the things that actually move the movie industry forward.

She went further to say that they shouldn’t have filmed and posted in these times where the actor’s guild should show leadership on pressing issues like navigating the industry with COVID-19.

Read as she tweeted below…

This is actually shameful. In these times where the actor’s guild should show leadership on pressing issues like navigating the industry with COVID-19, like creating structures to stop sexual harassment in the industry. This is their priority. Even if you visit your member must you film and post? The videos we need to see about future and safety of practitioners. Yet, they abuse us and insist that we join. Sigh! ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

It is shameful because they should use the same energy to do the things that actually move the industry forward.