“If they born you well, come to Lagos” – Portable fires back at Charles Okocha over alleged N20m ripping

CEO of Zeh Nation, Portable is not taking it lightly as he fires back at Nollywood actor, Charles Okocha over alleged N20m ripping.

Days back, Zazuu crooner had gone to social media to claim that Charles Okocha ripped him of 20 million naira out of a 40 million naira ambassadorial deal.


Replying the singer, Charles Okocha said he reached out to help him out because everyone doesn’t want to partner with him.

Charles claimed that he flew Portable and his crew to Abuja and paid their lodge fee at Transcorp where they stayed for two days.

He revealed that when the Zeh Nation executive was leaving, he gifted him 5 million naira only for him to repay his kindness with disloyalty and trying to paint him black to ruin his reputation.

Charles Okocha
Charles Okocha

Portable swiftly replied the actor, daring him to show his face in Lagos if he has what it takes.

In dishing out a proverb, the singer said who doesn’t show you the way is not meant to know your destination.

He further claimed that N40 million was given to the actor and he wants his share of it.