Journalist calls out Seyi Tinubu for flying to Kano with presidential jet to watch Polo

An abroad-based Nigerian journalist has tackled the president’s son, Seyi Tinubu for using the presidential jet for the nonofficial purpose of traveling to Kano to watch Polo.

The man known as Jaafar Jaafar called out the Seyi Tinubu in a post he made on his Twitter page.

Jaafar shared a photo of the presidents son flanked by heavily armed security personnel at an airport being hemmed in by various state officials.

He noted that Seyi traveled to Kano using the presidential jet to go watch Polo.

Seyi Tinubu presidential jet Polo Kano
Seyi Tinubu and entourage.

According to him, the trend had been set when the ex president Buhari allowed his daughter Hanan to travel to Bauchi for a photo your.

Jaafar stressed that such practice throws a shade of offense on the moral code of leadership of the country.

He wrote …

“Here’s Tinubu’s golden child, Seyi, traveling in a presidential jet to watch polo in Kano. But this trend did not start today. Buhari set the bad example when he allowed his daughter Hanan to travel in a presidential jet for a photo tour in Bauchi. Even if our laws are vague on this, one thing is clear. This is an offence to the moral code of leadership.”

Reaction have followed …

@HGBashar said: “Buhari merely sought the title of ‘President’ without understanding or respecting the sanctity of the office. The audacity to let his daughter, Hanan, use a presidential jet for a mere photo tour in Bauchi was the beginning of this mockery. Now we see Tinubu’s protege, Seyi, hopping on the same jet for a polo match in Kano. It’s not just about the laws, it’s about ethics, morals, and respect for the position. Our leaders must do more than just occupy an office; they must uphold its dignity.”

@TheQueenAminat noted: “This bitterness never ends.”

@belloinuwa wrote: “What about the misuse of a special forces unit as his body guards? See them in the pictures. The other day he went skate boarding in Abuja with them running by his side. This is just a continuation of the culture of impunity from the previous government, perhaps on an even grander scale this time.”

@abdorrerheem1 said: “PAF is for the president and his immediate family, if you become president allow your children to enter God is good motors.”

See post below …Seyi Tinubu presidential jet polo kano