Man over the moon as he becomes a father after 10 years of waiting

A Nigerian man Identified as Chika Habenuchi Amad is rejoicing in the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream as he becomes a father for the first time after a 10-year wait.

The heartwarming news of his journey to parenthood was shared by a jubilant family member, Angel Chidi, in a heartfelt Facebook post on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

Chidi’s Facebook post resonated with hope and gratitude as she shared the joyous news with friends, family, and well-wishers.

She wrote;

“This is a typical example of those who put their trust in God. After 10 years of waiting, God came through for Chika Habenuchi Amadi. It is wonderful and marvelous in our eyes. This waiting on the Lord for the fruit of the womb, your time is now; God has arisen to do wonders, just believe and trust in Him. Congrats bro. Welcome to the world baby. Wife, please cherish anything you desire; your husband is capable.”

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