BRed’s wife storms husband’s alleged side chic’s comment section to question her

The wife of Davido’s cousin, BRed, has jumped unto the comment section of the alleged side chic of her husband to question her.

Recall that WhatsApp chat between BRed and his wife, Faith was leaked by an IG user identified as @maryam_alh75901 who claimed to be a friend to B-Red’s wife.

BRed's wife questions alleged side chic of husband under comment section
BRed and wife, Faith. Photo source: Google

In the WhatsApp chat, Faith chastised her husband for letting his side chic in and spending time with her in Atlanta.

B-Red initially denied everything and said he didn’t know the woman. He later acknowledged knowing her, but he insisted they didn’t have a sexual relationship.

BRed’s wife, Faith didn’t buy in on this and she let out a string of insults, calling him embarrassing and a pathological liar.

To satisfy her curiosity, Faith has stormed the comment section her husband’s side chic to question her over her relationship with her husband.