Orji Uzor Kalu handed my convoy to his wife after swearing-in – Abaribe

Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, a federal lawmaker representing Abia South senatorial district has shared his experience from serving as Deputy Governor to Orji Uzor Kalu, before resigning from the position following a third attempt to impeach him in 2003.

Addressing journalists at an interactive session in Umuahia, Abia state’s capital on Thursday, June 8, Abaribe narrated how Orji Uzor Kalu allegedly took away his convoy and handed it over to his wife, shortly after they were sworn in as Governor and Deputy Governor.

Orji Uzor Kalu handed my convoy to his wife after swearing-in - Abaribe
Former senate minority leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe. Source: Web

He said;

“I was sitting at the podium in Umuahia stadium, there was a flashback, I remembered exactly what happened to me as a deputy governor.

“I went to shake the now deputy governor, Emetu, and I looked at him and I just laughed you know why? On the day I was sworn in, I took the oath first, the governor, Kalu, took the oath, after everything was done and we were to go to Okpara auditorium for lunch, I couldn’t find my vehicle.

“The vehicle was given to me by the departing colonel Obi, a convoy, and we stood there, I and my wife, and we were looking, where is the convoy? Eventually, we managed to scramble into a relative’s vehicle to take us to the event centre.

Orji Uzor Kalu handed my convoy to his wife after swearing-in - Abaribe
Former Governor of Abia state, Orji Uzor Kalu. Source: Web

“We found out that from the field there, somebody had given instruction for the convoy to move and that they were no longer my convoy and it was now designated as the convoy of the wife of the governor.

“When I confronted the governor the next Monday, I said what happened? he said “I didn’t know, they just told me it is my wife’s convoy and I said ok, let them move it. This is the kind of things that people see in politics.

“There are two ways to react; you lie back and take it or you strongly protest and then you are tagged a trouble maker.”

Orji Uzor Kalu who is currently pushing to become senate president in the 10th assembly, is yet to comment on the allegation.