Fuel Subsidy: Electricity workers to go on nationwide strike

The Nigerian government‘s abrupt removal of fuel subsidy has led to the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) instructing its members to cease their services across the country.

In a notice signed by the acting general secretary, Dominic Igwebike, the NUEE urged its members to comply with the directive and initiate the work stoppage from the early hours of Wednesday.

president bola tinubu
President Bola Tinubu during his inauguration speech where he announced fuel subsidy removal on May 29th. Credit: Business Day

President Bola Tinubu, in his inaugural address on Monday, declared the end of the petroleum subsidy regime, deeming it unsustainable.

In response to this announcement, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) directed its outlets to sell fuel at a significantly increased price range of N480 to N570 per litre, representing a nearly 200 percent surge from the initial price below N200.

On Friday, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) declared its intention to organize a nationwide protest on the following Wednesday if the NNPCL refused to revert to the previous price regime in the oil sector. The Nigerian Union of Journalists also threatened to participate in the strike action.

In a letter to its members on Sunday, the NUEE explained that its decision was a result of the NLC emergency national executive council (NEC) meeting, held on June 2 at the Labour House in Abuja, to address the sudden removal of fuel subsidy, which was causing significant hardships for Nigerians and contributing to increased inflation in the economy.

The statement directed all national, state, and chapter executives to mobilize their members in full compliance with the directive, with the withdrawal of services nationwide commencing from 00.00 hours on Wednesday, June 7, 2023.

“To this effect, all National, State and Chapter executives are requested to start the mobilisation of our members in total compliance with this directive,” the statement said.

“Please note that withdrawal of Services nationwide commences from 0.00 hours of Wednesday, June 7, 2023,” the statement reads in part.