Fuel Subsidy Removal: Kano Governor Orders Petrol Stations To Revert To Old Pump Price

Fuel Subsidy Removal 2023 – Kano State Governor Abba Yusuf has ordered petroleum marketers to return to the former petrol pump price to alleviate the hardships that Kano residents are experiencing.

Fuel Subsidy Removal
Fuel Subsidy Removal 2023. Photo Credit: @Kyusufabba: Twitter

He called recent price increases in premium motor spirit, generally known as gasoline, unreasonable. According to NAN, this was stated by his press secretary, Bature Dawakin-Tofa, on Thursday, June 2, 2023.

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He went ahead to say “Marketers should exercise some restraint and quickly reopen all filling stations with available products in stock to sell at the former price,”. Furthermore, he said, “It is to reduce the needless hardship on the state’s citizens.”

Governor Abba Yusuf also said as he concluded his speech “As a concerned governor, I am disheartened to see our dear people of Kano suffering as a result of an unjustified fuel hike, and the situation must be stopped right away,” he concluded. Additionally, Mr Yusuf advised Kano residents to act properly and uphold the law.