Stage collapses during swearing-in of Kano State’s governor, Yusuf Abba (Video)

An unexpected accident happened at the swearing-in ceremony of the governor-elect of Kano State, Yusuf Abba as a stage collapses.

On Monday 29th of May 2023, the swearing-in ceremony of the new Kano State governor suffered a minor setback.

yusuf abba
The new governor of Kano State, Yusuf Abba. Image Credit: Vanguard News
Source: Google

The new governor Yusuf Abba, his deputy, and the acting chief judge were all on the stage when the structure fell to its knees.

Reports, however, confirmed that all individuals affected by the stage collapse are in good condition.

The NNPP candidate won the  2023 election after polling 1,019,602 votes to defeat his closest rival, Nasiru Gawuna of the All Progressives Congress, who polled 890,705 votes.

Watch the video below …