Real Madrid convenes an urgent meeting after Barcelona was charged for corruption

The management of Real Madrid has announced that they will be having an urgent board meeting to plan a response to the corruption charges against Barcelona.

Real Madrid convenes an urgent meeting after Barcelona was charged for corruption

It was reported yesterday, March 10, that Spanish prosecutors have formerly slammed corruption charges against La Liga giant, Barcelona over alleged payments to a company that belonged to Jose Maria Enriquez Negreira, a former Vice President of Spain’s referees’ committee, for several years.

It was alleged that the club made payments amounting to nearly €7 million (£6.2m/$7.4m) from 2001-2018 to the former vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA), Jose Maria Enriquez Negreira.

Following the development, Real Madrid has convened an urgent meeting to discuss their next line of action.

Real Madrid convenes an urgent meeting after Barcelona was charged for corruption

The club released a statement which read;

“Given the seriousness of the accusations made by the Barcelona Prosecutor’s Office against FC Barcelona and two of its presidents for well-founded suspicions of corruption and their relations with whoever was the vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees, José María Enríquez Negreira, the president has convened urgently to the Board of Directors tomorrow, Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 12:00 p.m., in order to decide on the actions that Real Madrid deems appropriate in relation to this matter.”