Don Jazzy gives lady N1.2 million for her father’s surgery after their family couldn’t raise enough money for it (Video)

Popular musician and mavin records boss, Don Jazzy, has touched the hearts of many Nigerians once again, as proven by his recent social media gesture.

The renowned musician gave N1.2 million balance required for a dad’s surgery after a lady pleaded for donations on social media.

It all started when @Hillybaby4 tweeted a photo of her ailing dad’s swollen face and said he needed surgery that would charge them N2 million.

She and her sibling are said to have tagged a plethora of celebs on Instagram, but no help was offered.

Not satisfied, the young lady went on to state that they had contemplated taking out a loan, but that they would be in able to pay it back.

Shortly after she contacted Don Jazzy, he wired @Hillbaby4 the N1.2 million requested.

Don jazzy didn’t stop there; he expressed regret for the money’s late arrival and wished her dad a quick recovery.

They made an appreciation video which she posted on her twitter

Watch video below: