“My husband slapped me because I ordered my child to search his pockets for money” – Woman laments

A woman has lamented bitterly over the fracas that ensued between her and her husband after she ordered her child to search his pockets for money when he left for work.

Woman Husband Money Pockets Child

Narrating her ordeal, she disclosed that her husband finds it difficult to give her money to carry out some basic tasks at home, rather, he prefers buying the household items himself.

She wrote:

“Pls I have a problem with my husband, he is good at not giving me money to cook, he will like to buy things, so when I quarrel, he stopped giving me money for food. So I told my eldest child to search his pockets when he left for work cos I am a stay at home mother, doctor said I should not stress after my second child so I do nothing again.”

Read the full story below…

Woman Husband Money Pockets Child