Woman birth triplets after 11 years of childlessness plus 6 miscarriages

A couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ogeah have been blessed abundantly as they welcome a set of triplets after 11 years of marriage without a child and six miscarriages.

couple triplets marriage

A family member, Evelyn Odume took to Facebook to share the good news as she declares that God has put the devil to shame.

Captioning the photos, here’s what she wrote;

“You do not lie, you do not fail, what is hard for you to do it doesn’t exist o. it can never, ever exist ooo….. faithful God I worship for you ur a faithful father and you never fail… Friends and family help me glorify the name of the Lord for this miracle.11years of marriage finally blessed with triplets congratulations Mr and Mrs ogeah,” She wrote

“Miracle working God you are worthy to be praised. Congratulations big Aunty …the Lord has put the devil to shame” she added.

couple triplets marriage

In another post made by Lynda Ayebogbon, who shared the post on April 14, said the new mother had six miscarriages before the birth of the triplets.

After eleven years of marriage, six different miscarriages, God Blessed her with triplets, what a wonderful God, He is awesome, please Glorify Him with me. Big congratulations my lovely sister, God will protect you and your babies in Jesus’ name. Amen” she wrote.