“Uni babes na em even cost pass” – OAP Osi breaks down the cost of having multiple women in Nigeria

OAP, Osi Suave has taken his precious time to conduct extensive research on the cost of women as he advises men on the dangers of having multiple women in Nigeria.

Osi Suave women

He took to his Twitter account to brawl at his fellow men who womanizes especially in Lagos to stay faithful to only one woman. As it can be very expensive catering for all the expensive tastes and wants of different women lingering in their lives.

In addition, Osi Suave listed the cost implications of cheating with different classes of women.

Such as; university babes, upcoming influencers on Instagram, babes planning to relocate to Canada, and Abuja babes.

Read his tweets:


Osi Suave women Osi Suave women