Tattoo Saga: Yul Edochie advises celebrities to be grateful when fans show them ‘fan love’

Amid the recent tattoo saga, popular Nigerian actor, Yul Edochie has come out to air his view on what he thinks about fans that tattoo celebrities on their body.

Tattoo Saga: Popular Actor, Yul Edochie Breaks Silence

Recall that the BBN star, Ka3na had previously come out to criticize a lady that inked a tattoo of her name on her thigh.Tattoo Saga: Popular Actor, Yul Edochie Breaks Silence

Yul Edochie who took to his official Twitter handle, stated that for a person to go as far as tattooing a celebrity’s name or image, it shows enormous love and this act ought to be appreciated.

Tattoo Saga: Popular Actor, Yul Edochie Breaks Silence

Yul Edochie also said that even if the celebrity may not have money to give the fan, he or she should at least show appreciation.

In his words: “For a fan to go as far as tattooing your name on his/her body, that’s love. You’re truly blessed by God to even get that kind of love. You must not give the fan money if you don’t have. Some are not even doing it for your money but for love. Such an act should be appreciated.”