Singer, Tiwa Savage reveals she attempted suicide twice (Video)

Nigerian music sensation, Tiwa Savage has revealed how she attempted suicide twice after she suffered depression over racist comments while in London.

Tiwa Savage attempted suicide twice

The mother of one disclosed this in a recent Black Box interview with BBNaija host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu on ‘Bounce Live Radio’.

According to her, she attempted to take her own life as a result of the bullying she received as a black kid in London.

Tiwa Savage disclosed she moved to London with her mother at the age of 10. She also said her strong Nigerian accent at the time was mocked by her classmates in school.

In her words, “I was teased so bad. They used to call me ‘African girl’, ‘Foo foo’, ‘Your food smells’ and so on. It was terrible. It was so bad that I literally tried to kill myself two times. I was really depressed.”

Watch the video below;

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