Kids soak cartons of noodles in bathtub for Children’s Day (Photos)

A Nigerian photographer, Chika Onuu shot two kids as they unpacked and soaked two cartons of Indomie noodles inside a bathtub filled with water.

Chika who had the shoot in celebration of Children’s Day yesterday, May 27th, shared the photos on Instagram and wrote;

For as long as I can remember, Children’s Day Celebrations have always been public… Match past at the stadium, parties at eateries and games at recreational sites or amusement parks, but this year’s took a different turn.

I really don’t want to imagine how yesterday turned out for most parents, but I’m sure they were “thankful” ? and still, I’m positive it didn’t end in tears for the kids?. Dear Parents,
Keep Calm, Rona crisis will soon be gone.
A little more patience! ?

Happy Children’s Day, again! ?