Nigerian celebrities rock Africa themed attires to celebrate Africa Day (photos)

Nigerian celebrities celebrate Africa Day

Nigerian celebrities such as Yemi Alade, Toke Makinwa, Tacha and others have dressed in Africa themed attires to celebrate Africa Day today.

Africa Day is an annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organization of African Union (OAU) on May 25, 1963. It is celebrated in various countries on the African continent and as well as around the world.

Yemi Alade who’s also known as ‘Mama Africa‘ took to Twitter and Instagram today to wish her African fans a happy Africa Day.

Nigerian celebrities celebrate Africa Day

Nigerian celebrities celebrate Africa Day

Toke Makinwa, a renowned Nigerian On-Air Personality also took to Instagram to celebrate the continent.

The OAP was also delighted to be part of the few celebrities selected by MTVBase to mark the day on YouTube.

Nigerian celebrities celebrate Africa Day

Tacha on her part also shared a tweet on her page via Twitter to celebrate Africa Day.