FG begins disbursing 5,000 naira to over 1million indigents

The Federal Government has commenced the disbursement of N5000 to over 1million indigents across the country.

The disbursement came following the directive by President Muhammadu Buhari that the conditional cash transfers for the next two months be paid immediately to beneficiaries.

The disbursement was done on Wednesday in Kwali Central Area Council of FCT by the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Hajiya Sadiya Farouq.

The Minister disbursed 20,000 naira as payment for four months to over 190 beneficiaries at the payment point in Kwali.

The beneficiaries were handed their stipends after their payment cards were verified and scanned by government-approved mobile money operators.

Speaking during the disbursement, the minister said: “The exercise commenced about five years ago and it is geared towards supporting the poor and vulnerable households of our society.

“We give them monthly stipends of 5,000 naira every month and now that we have these restrictions, Mr. President has directed that we give them two months advance payment and we are here today to carry out that directive of paying the two months advance payment.”

On the number of beneficiaries, Farouq said: “We have over a million people across the country. For the FCT and this particular area Council, we are giving about 5000 households in this area.”