Actress Empress Njamah shares lovely photos to celebrate her 40th birthday

Nollywood actress, Empress Njamah has taken to social media to celebrate herself as she just clocked 40 years today, 17th November, 2019.

The Abuja based screen diva posted some photos on her Instagram page and expressed her excitement over joining the ‘Fortied’ league in Nollywood.

”STEPPING INTO 40 LIKE FINE WINE……….this wine is forty years old. It certainly doesn’t look it’s age……. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ??????? #fortified #hoeboss #happyfortytome. SHE IS AN EMPRESS. HER SOUL IS ROYALTY. Happy 40th birthday to ME. I’m twice as SEXY as 2 20 year olds. Happy 40th birthday to ME ” she captioned her photos.

See more photos below;