Eniola Ajao grateful as ‘Beast of Two Worlds’ hits 16M on first day

Notable actress, Eniola Ajao expresses utmost gratitude as her movie, ‘Beast of Two Worlds’ achieves a milestone on its first day amidst backlashes involving the ‘Best Dressed Female.’

The filmmaker had faced severe backlashes after crowning the controversial transwoman, Bobrisky as the ‘Best Dressed Female’ at the movie’s premiere.

eniola ajao

In a post on her Instagram page, Eniola appreciated the effort of everyone who supported her movie as it marks a milestone of 16M views on its first day at the Box Office.

While appreciating Nigerians for forgiving her, and the lessons learnt, she praised the likes of Odunlade Adekola, Funke Akindele and many others.

Eniola Ajao writes as ‘Beast of Two Worlds’ makes 16M views on its first day

Eniola Ajao grateful as 'Beast of Two Worlds' hits 16M on first day

“The cinema run of AJAKAJU, #beastoftwoworlds has taught me lessons, lessons I will not forget in a hurry. But this is not the time to dish out the lessons because I am not yet an expert at the box office!

“What I am here to do today is to say THANK YOU. Nigerians, I am grateful. You allowed God to use you to turn my shame into testimony, sorrow into joy, and fear into courage. 

I am glad we made 16m in one day, what an opening! But it is important I let you all know that this place I am in now is a journey that started before today,” she wrote in part.