Lady blows hot after finding out her husband bought same Valentine gift for her and his late brother’s wife

Mitchelle Karoro, a South African, radio broadcaster vents at her husband for getting her the same gift as his late brother’s wife.

She took to social media to disclose that the Valentine’s Day presents her husband purchased for her was the same one he purchased for his late brother’s wife.

wife husband valentine's gift late brother's

Mitchelle noted that she learned of his actions when the widow contacted her to express her gratitude for his kind actions toward her.

The radio broadcaster was incensed that he chose to obtain the same thing for them both and that he did it behind her back.

She tweeted …

“My partner’s brother passed away late last year and the wife phoned yesterday asking me to thank my partner for buying her a valentine present. I pretended to have known about it and she went on to tell me what it was and guess what ladies it’s the same present he bought for me. I am very angry and feel degraded how could he buy both of us the same present? Am l missing something here?

The big issue here is that, why buying her a gift in the 1st on top of that doing it behind my back, he definitely got a lot of explaining to do, a good one too. I don’t have time for her, I will deal with the so called man.”

She post below …