“Zack Orji had brain surgery, pray for him” — Min. Of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa

Hannatu Musawa, the Minister of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy disclosed that Zack Orji had undergone brain surgery.

According to her, the surgery was done at a private hospital after being moved from the National Hospital.

Musawa said this following her Tuesday visit with Orji at the private hospital in Abuja. The ill thespian Ngozi Orji’s wife, along with a few family members, met the Minister.

The purpose of the visit, according to Musawa, was to offer the veteran actor, Zack Orji support, wish him a speedy recovery, and express the Federal Government’s best wishes to him and his family.

"Zack Orji had brain surgery, pray for him" — Min. Of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa
Min. Of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa viits Zack Orji. source/: Instagram

“This is a man who has given his time, his effort not only to make us laugh but to entertain Nigerians for decades.

He is one of the individuals who was the very foundation of the film industry in Nigeria, and unfortunately, he is having health challenges and had a Neurosurgery.

The least that we can do as an administration is to give him all the necessary support to ensure that he recovers quickly.

Neurosurgery is very delicate, so it was important for me not only as a minister of arts, culture and the creative economy but as a Nigerian to visit him.

For me, it was just a matter of coming to see him and his wife, and we can talk today, by God’s mercies, he is alive.

I want Nigerians to pray for him and do what we can to give the family the necessary support to save his life,” she said.