78-year-old man in tears as Regina Daniels’ mother, Rita allegedly exhumes corpses of his late parents

Regina Daniels’ mother, Rita Daniels’ has been accused of exhuming corpses of people and claiming their grave lands.

According to blogger Cutiejulz who made the allegation via Instagram, Rita Daniels usually carries out these atrocities under the shade of her son-in-law, Ned Nwoko’s power and influence.

Cutie Julz also claimed that a 78-year-old man narrated how Rita Daniels allegedly exhumed the corpses of his family including his parents, and ordered her workers to dispose their skeletons.

Cutiejulz wrote:

“Rita Daniels goes on rampage buying grave lands from “poor” old people in Ogwashi-Ukwu and its environs.

Many reports from different families reaching us is that Actress Rita Daniels has taken a new leaf of taking advantage of the mental and financial capacity of old people living on family lands, those in charge of family graveyards etc and “conningly” buys off those family heritages from them with what in lame terms is termed as peanuts

One family reported that whenever other families gets hints of this criminal acts of Rita and gets the police involved, she then uses the influence of her son-in-law, Mr Ned Nwokwo to intimidate the victimised families and buy off the police

The reports have it that Miss Rita Daniels has been using her new status, “Ned Nwokwo’s mother-in-law to bully a lot of families in the Delta State. Especially families that are not very financially strong.

Speaking to a 78year old man this morning, in tears he told us how Rita heartlessly exhumed the dead bodies of his family members including his parents and instructed her workers to pack the skeletons and dispose them off.

Another young girl also tearfully spoke to us about her family’s ordeal in the hands of “Ned Nwokwo’s mother-in-law”, Rita Daniels. More too soon.”
